
What We Need are Little Coke Bottle Glasses...

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So I had a blast at Grant's Farm when Cassidy and I went last month. Seriously, you can't beat taking a train around some zebras and goats, then walking by camels and a huge turtle (my power animal, if I had to pick one) until you get some free booze in an old German-style town square. Something stuck with me this last time, though. They have a nice colony of little goats, and you feed them out of little bottles of milk if you can part with a dollar or two. Cassidy and I of course dropped our nickels and posed for the photo-ops. But the thing was, I noticed that the goats seemed a little more sluggish than normal. Their eyes were a little glassier than I remembered from my last visit a few years back. To get their attention, you had to wave your bottle in front of their face, at which point they'd plow into each other. In other words, they seemed like a pack of blind dumbasses. Anyway, I started thinking, what type of genetic variation is there over at that place? If they started back in 1954 with say, 10 goats, 2 or 3 of whom had a recessive trait for blindness, and if there's no "survival of the fittest" going on, then it seems possible that the blind trait could last. Males reproduce at 4, females at 2, so the generations since 1954 are impossible to count. I'm wondering how open Grant's Farm would be if I asked about this whole matter. But one thing is for sure... even blind goats can pick out the hottest girl around!


Anonymous said...

needless to say, the goaties were my favorite part (although the free beer was good too)...remember when the little blind goatie nibbled on your cords?

Drew said...

ah i forgot... yeah he had that glassy look and i don't think he knew what he was chewin haha